Tuesday, August 4, 2009

my first blog!

K. Well, it is almost 1am and I am just finishing up my page. I feel so socially tech savvy. I now have a myspace, a facebook, a twitter and now a blogger account. wow. pretty soon face to face meetings and social gatherings will be totally obsolete. we'll all just hole up in the comfort of our own homes staring at all the bright screens of our cell phones, computers, televisions, etc..and just completely lose the need for human contact outside of home,work and school. Anywho...back on topic...my first blog...I've been talking about writing for a while but I've always been to shy to share my "work" so I figure this is a good outlet to get started. since its a pretty casual environment. please forgive the total lack of grammar, punctuation, and possibly spelling. like i said..its 1am. so i'm going to bed now. i promise my next blog will be much more interesting. night alllll

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